Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Our First Handling Class!

Ok, so I have to admit I was very excited to start learning all about Dog Handling. Then we got there and nervousness set in. There were three other dogs there older than Sadie and their owners obviously had done handling before and were just touching up on their knowledge and getting helpful hints from the instructor and practice in the ring with their dogs. I looked at the ring and was very intimidated....ugh....I wouldn't let my poor husband watch. I sent him outside. The instructor started asking the three others what they wanted or needed to go over tonight and they talked about issues they were having with the dog when it went into the ring or was around the Judges. Then they got to, we are just starting out and we know nothing. She immediately put me at ease, explaining we would just take it one step at a time and we were just going to get Sadie used to the ring. We went one at a time around the ring and then she played the role of the Judge and had us position our dogs so the Judge would have the right view of them. She explained how to put them and why to put them that way. She had me stack Sadie on the table (this is when the Judge goes over and looks over your dog)...she said "don't worry about her leg position right now, let's just get her used to the table, although her leg position is great!" WOW that was wonderful to hear! At the end of the class she had us all go around the ring together putting Sadie (nicknamed "the Baby" at the class) at the end of the line. Well she LOVED that. Sadie followed all the other dogs wonderfully, picking her legs up proudly, strutting around the ring. She seems so natural at it and loves learning new things. I must say, once we got into the ring, I was concentrating on her so much that I blocked out everything around me. Let's hope I can continue to do that. The other people there were also very nice and supportive. They watched Sadie and told me with how she was doing right off, I would have her finished to her championship in no time. Time will tell....but we are really working at it!

Sunday, May 27, 2012

We're Learning

We went to a Match today in Vernon, CT. Didn't really understand what this was all about at first, being that we are so new to the show world. I guess the easiest way to put it is, it's a practice show. Most of the dogs were young and they have to be shown by their owners. No professional handlers. It was also training/practice for others that had different positions in the show, ie: Judges, Stewards , ect. It would have been a perfect opportunity for Sadie and I if we had at least taken a couple of Handling classes. I didn't want to go into the ring and look never get a second chance to make a first impression ; )

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Puppy Kindergarten Graduation

Sadie graduated from Puppy Kindergarten today. She did so well with all the stations showing what she has learned, (sit, down, stay, come), doing puppy push ups and running through the hoops and tunnel.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

ECKC Meeting

Tonight we went to our second meeting for the Elm City Kennel Club. Sadie came along too, as we are trying to socialize her as much as possible. Of course she loved all the attention and everyone telling her how cute she is. They had a guest speaker that talked about a new breed of dogs to the AKC world, The Spanish Water Dog. It was quite interesting to learn about them. The regular part of the meeting was held and we were voted in as members of the Elm City Kennel Club. Yayayay

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Sadie's First Dog Show

Today we went to North Stonington, CT for Sadie's first show (as an attendee). I had contacted a handler  that I had observed at shows we went to prior to getting Sadie. I really liked how she handled the dogs and how the dogs responded to her. She has had much success in the ring and has a well respected name in the show dog world. We set it up to meet each other at the show and she would evaluated Sadie. She was wonderful with us, gave us a lot of helpful hints and things to do and not to do with her. She evaluated Sadie and said she has beautiful movement, great temperament and has a promising future. We talked about the next steps and decided Sadie and I will be taking handling classes once she finishes Puppy Kindergarten. I will take her as far as I can in the ring and then turn her over to the handler. Sadie had a great day at the show, she happily walked around meeting all the new people and dogs. She strutted around like a pro!  We will meet up again in June at a show in MA.